While ‘Patching is Rebooting’ there are legitimate scenarios where you need to be certain that updates are never automatically applied and the device rebooted. In this post we’ll talk about the most straightforward and reliable ways to do just that.
Or at least not entirely useless
While ‘Patching is Rebooting’ there are legitimate scenarios where you need to be certain that updates are never automatically applied and the device rebooted. In this post we’ll talk about the most straightforward and reliable ways to do just that.
12/20/18 Update: Removed a check for WSUS cmdlets that prevented the script from working on 2008 R2 and the ReSyncUpdates from the WSUS standalone config file. 12/10/18 Update: Fixed a configuration file parsing problem and added licensing information for GPLv3. Note: When updating you will need to update any existing plugins as well. Despite a […]
Things got real last week and ‘all of a sudden’ organization realized that what the product MVPs have been saying for years is true and simply not optional: you must be running a software update maintenance script. I’ve updated mine to be more useful. Because I’m like that I guess.
With the Olympics over, my MMSMOA session drafts in, taxes done, and a thousand or so pages of classic sci-fi read it’s time to post something. My degree is software engineering and for a brief period of time I was a professional developer. Instead of a profession it’s become more of a hobby that I enjoy […]
Historically it’s been considered taboo to touch WSUS when part of a Configuration Manager environment. Those times have now past and if you’re not actively maintaining WSUS on a regular basis it’s more than likely failing causing scan failures.
For well over a decade there’s been a social contract of sorts with Microsoft. Security patches are released on the second Tuesday of the month at 10 AM Pacific Time. They release and we start our patching processes. Well … what if they didn’t?
While some maintenance tasks have been long understood others have gained importance and understanding more recently. Either way, all of them should be fully automated as part of your patching process. I’ve created and released a script that does exactly that for every software update maintenance task that I can think of and does it in an extensible way that any organization should be able to utlize.
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